Saturday, March 26, 2016

An update on the garden progress.

I'm not having much luck with seeds this year.  I thought I had lost some of my transplanted seedlings a few weeks ago.  I don't remember if I lost any, but I did have several survive.  Some have done so well that they had to be potted up again.
Now the bad news.  The plants in the above picture are all that I have.  I think I counted 6 tomatoes, 3 tomatillos, and 6 pepper plants.  I normally have more than that going by now.

I've been trying to start more seeds, but I haven't had any luck.  Every week or so I put more seeds in some peat pods.  I don't know what went wrong but the pods have gotten all slimy.  Some are even green with a moss or algae.  I probably had too much water in there, or too much heat, or both.  I haven't had this happen before. 

I have some peppers in the pods below that are trying to hang on, but they aren't looking so great.  The tomatoes I've planted have failed to germinate. 
Since the peat pods weren't working so well I thought I'd try bigger pots with plain old soil.  Nothing has happened with those yet either.  Maybe I don't have enough patience, or maybe my seeds have gone bad.  I didn't order any new ones this year.  I'm using whatever I had left over from the last few years.  That could be the issue.  I'm going to throw out whatever I don't use by the end of this year and start over with fresh stuff next year.