Friday, July 31, 2015

July 2015 Garden Update

I haven't posted a lot about my garden this year. That's mostly because I'm not growing a lot.  I got frustrated last year when most of what I grew sat on the kitchen island until it started to rot.  The chickens ended up eating a lot of it.  As a result I didn't put as much effort into the garden this year.  On top of that I lost several plants and what is left hasn't produced much.

I have gotten a lot of cucumbers.  They are the one thing that has done really well.
We got a hand full of carrots.
My blackberries have done alright.  They never made it into the house.  I need to plant more to increase the quantity that I get.
Growing the cucumber vines up paracord worked really well.
I had a lot of lettuce grow, but we didn't eat it before it bolted.  It's too bitter now to be eaten.
We had a bad thunderstorm come through that took out my trellis.  I was actually kind of surprised that it didn't come down sooner.  I need to come up with a better solution for next year. 
I haven't planted anything or started any seeds.  I don't know that I'll have an update in August. 

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